Time for Crazyness

Just me being me and trying to vent when typing is easier than writing

Friday, October 14, 2005


Okay why is that when you are tired you can't sleep. It always seems the tireder i get the more unlikely it is that I will actually sleep. Oh well i guess that is what comes with when you head is just racing about so much. Just about school and work and everything that happens in my life. My head spins about my friends that I miss and the ones that I never see. I heard tonight that two of my friends are moving onto bigger things and leaving Target. That is a great thing for them and I know that this will be a good thing for the both of them. I miss all my friends down there in the City. I love how Oklahomans call our state capital the City and so whenever we talk to people not from Oklahoma they thing we are crazy, but that is just us.

I so can't wait until tomorrow. I get to see my monkey and my little bit. Seth just turned three and they are coming here for his birthday. I am so excited to see him. I got his birthday present and I just know that he will love it. I know they are trying to get him away from Thomas so I get him a tractor. Well I am going to try to at least rest before work or take a shower or something to that extent

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Thoughts on being single

Okay so wise men tell us that enjoy your life while you are single beacuse you will neve have it after you meet the one you will marry. Well I am so sick of being single. There is this one guy that must makes my heart soar. But unfortunately I am here an d he is there and ther is Oklahoma City. If I could build the perfect man for me, his name would be Jason. I don't think that in my 23 years of life I have ever met anyone like him. He is a Christian and just perfection in my eyes. I know that no one is perfect, but it is really hard to explain. My friend Sar calls it an overwhelming calm and that is what I feel when I am near him. Like if the world were to crumble around us we would be safe with each other. He makes me feel safe whenever I am near him. Even though we have never broadned our friendship farther than just good friends, he is still the one I don't ink I will be able to live without. I also have to realize that I just need to put everything into God's hands. He knows mine and Ja's futures. One of my favorite song lyrics is if you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans. I know that is the way I need to look at life. So from this day forward I will do my best to give it all to God and to lean on his understandings. If some of my friends are reading this you are probably wondering what is bringing this on. It is my friend Sara and some of the things she is going through. I hope none of my friends think i have completely lost it or let Ja read this because first I haven't lost it and second you let him read this and each and every last one of you will die.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Two Months

I can't believe that almost two months of school have come and gone. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I transfered here. I love all of my classes well all of my major courses atleast. Math is just a necessary evil they make you take even though most of us will never use it in our daily lives. Oh well. Everything at work has just been weird. I still love my job and the people (guests) I deal with everyday, it is just the people I work with. Our AGM thinks that she is supposed to hand off her responsiblities to the front desk and not do anything. She also thinks that when one of us is sick that one of the other ones should have to work at double shift and fill in for that person. If I wasn't so busy I would petition our Area Director and see if we could get a Front Desk Supervisor just so we could keep things calm at the Desk. They recently hired a new GM and he comes to work with us in mid-November and he is going to be making a ton of changes within the hotel. He is pretty much going to clean house and I hope that she is the first to go. She acts like a child and does nothing but play on her computer all day. This is the first day I have really gotten to vent so I am going to do it. Since no one that I work with reads this it should be okay. She expects all of us to do her work for her. I don't mind doing things and I will do them when I am not busy. Like last Monday she got mad at me because I wasn't going to step up and help in the kitchen. Sorry to tell you, but I have homework and that is more important. Or when you call me when I am still in class and I don't answer and you come up with the cacamamie story that I am ignoring your calls on purpose. Get a life and get out of mine. School is more important than this stupid job and once I have the chance to have a great career I am out of there so fast your heads are going to spin. FYI I am not Nathan and I will not let you walk all over me like you walked all over him. I know she wasn't working there when they did that to Nate, but I can see the trend and saw the trend with Nathan and I am not him. They called me almost everyday I was off last week except for one. That is just so wrong. I am off so that means I am not going to answer if you call me. And don't put me in charge of things that you should have been in charge of. That is not my responsibility to keep up with the expensive stuff, that is yours. I loved how you tried to save face in front of Andrew and blame me for losing it, but he knew that it wasn't my responsibility in the first place to find the missing part and it wasn't my reponsiblity to keep up with the part we did have or for that matter anyone at the front desk. And I love how you tried to make me find rooms and he stopped you. I took care of it long before you even came in that morning so just slow your roll and don't worry. I needed that. That felt good. Just wish I had enough guts to let someone like Andrew or Bill read this, but I don't and don't feel like looking for another job. THAT was my week last week. I really can't wait for the new GM to come in. He is going to have fun making your life a living hell and I get to sit back and watch it happen. He will probably make mine that way too, but seeing you squrim will be all the more satisfying.