Time for Crazyness

Just me being me and trying to vent when typing is easier than writing

Saturday, December 03, 2005

my job is toooooo stressful

I love my job, but I think it is going to kill me because of the stress. I get griped out because a room got cancelled and it wasn't my fault and then because of that I had to walk two of my guests over to our sister hotel just right in front of us. Only one we will have to pay for, but hey that is crazy. This is the first Saturday night in about 2 months that we are overbooked. I wouldn't had to have walked anyone had they not walked one guy in and had they made sure that one room was cleaned yesterday I would be just fine. Oh well. If I get in trouble I will just say it wasn't my fault and I would rather have happy guests than a mad one. And when you have a huge client coming in and they are paying more than the two I am walking over to our sister hotel, I think you would rather have them stay here. I am just glad that this night is almost over. I get off at 11 and it is 9:30. Well I am doing this at work so I am out of here


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